Hisui - A Timeless Oddysey

YoRHa Unit 97B
Pod 042
and two soon to become 97B's partners

Created by greybatter97

Guest Author: JackMat98 / CyBunny

February 2 - 3, 2022

It is a slow day in Seth's household as always, Seth is making himself some lunch, Tyler is playing video games, and Stefan and Tony are watching videos together. But of course, you know something rad is about to happen. Right when Seth finished his lunch to tuck in, 97B, the gang's trainer, bust in via the front door, with an amazing discovery. "GUYS!" He exclaimed, everyone gathered together in front of 97B, "What did you do?" Tyler asks, to which 97B shows what he has;


97B holds out his hand, then as soon as he clenches his fist; a weird looking weapon appears right in his fist; a sword-like thing but with a rod and a point and a turquoise gear at the side of the pointy thing. "This, my friends," 97B starts, "is a time powered Keyblade." This bewildered everyone, "Keyblade?" Seth asks, then Pod 042 shows up with the following explanation; "Keyblades are weapons that uses magical powers, each keyblades are unique in power and function. This keyblade can open up a time portal and allows the user to not only chose a time period, but also where in the planet." This fascinates Seth. Tyler then asks, "what are you going to do with that thing?" to which 97B answers, "I'm going to the Hisui Region, which is the Sinnoh Region but set so far in the past that it was still known as the Hisui Region, meanwhile both Dialga and Palkia were still refered as 'All Mighty Sinnoh' by some ancient clans." Stefan then add, "yeah, I knew you became widly interested in that ever since Riley came back from that portal and told the tale," 97B nods.

"A-A-Are you sure you want to go to that place? I don't know if it's safe or not..." Tony timidly says, "I'll be fine, I got weapons I can use if anything comes awry, and I'm not afraid to turn my blade against hostile pokémon," 97B says, this spooked Tony a bit, then 97B adds; "oh and some fire power for long distant targets," just as Pod 042 floats by. "Anyways, I'm ready to take on the Hisui region, now I just need an open space," 97B says as he goes around the house and into the beach backyard, with the gang following.

Arriving at the beach, 97B instructs the gang to stay way back, which they did. Then it's time for 97B to unleash the power from his weapon. He points his Time Powered Keyblade towards the waters, then the tip starts gathering particles of light until the energy collected forms a beach ball sized energy orb. Then 97B fires the orb to the ocean, but right before it reaches the shoreline, it explodes into a fractured portal. 97B looks back at the gang, gives them a thumbs up, and told them, "I'll see you on the flipside," Seth responds with a thumbs up while everyone else responds with apprehension. 97B and Pod 042 rushes to the portal and jumps in, at which point, it rapidly shrinks to nothing.

And just like that... both 97B and Pod 042 vanished.

panel panel panel

"So... this is the Sinnoh Region when it was known as the Hisui Region..." 97B says to himself in amazement. Then he notices something about his clothes;

panel grimoire

"What the-" 97B then says to himself, "Pod, what happened to my-" He then noticed that Pod 042 turned into a floating book with a creepy smiling creature on the cover, "...clothes? What happened to you?" Pod 042 answers, "Hypothesis: It might be to 'keep world order' so no one in this time period suspects that we're from the future." 97B stands silent for a bit, then answered, "...I see."


Walking around the beach, he noticed a slightly larger Drapion with red glowing eyes. Knowing how poisonous this pokémon is, 97B hides behind a rock, muttering to himself, "So do we got totem pokémon here but with red glowing eyes?" Pod 042 answers, "Negative. This kind of pokémon is known as an 'Alpha Pokémon' and are bigger, more hostile species of Pokémon that can be encountered." This surprises 97B, "Ok, how do you know about them?" the pod says, "This pod has full details of the Sinnoh Region, even in a time that was known as the Hisui Region." 97B then says, "I'm glad I've brought you here. now one question; HOW DO I DEAL WITH SUCH POKÉMON?" The pod answers; "Proposal: Evade." 97B snarkly answers, "well that's one good way to deal with them." 97B begins to sneak out of the area.


However, the alpha Drapion caught him making his escape. 97B starts to perform a sliding evade to escape the wrath of the poisonous pokémon, and it caught up to him. Desperate, 97B pulls out his Virtrous Contract and stabs Drapion directly into the heart, killing it. "That'll do," 97B remarks, before he sets off.


After a while, 97B reaches Lake Valor. "Glad that the lake never changed since this time period," 97B remarks. After a bit of exploring, he finds a small settlement, "This must be one of those clans who claims that either Dialga or Palkia is the almighty Sinnoh," 97B says to himself, "Though I don't feel like interacting with any humans in this region. I don't want to cause anything of undesired consiquences in the Sinnoh region of my era." So he snuck past the clan unscathed.

Venturing way past Valor Lake and seeing the Solaceon Ruins, he noticed a couple of friendly looking pokémon at the other side of the river. He went to investigate. It turned out to be a Garchomp and a very different looking Typhlosion. The Garchomp looks like he's easily frightened, which remindid 97B of Stefan and Tony, and the Typhlosion looks... rather calm.


97B sneaks in and hears their conversation;

"I'm so scared that anyone would see us as freaks because we talked," The Garchomp says;

"Relax, buddy, it's clearly their incorrect vibes that I'm detecting, they would just get us even if we didn't talked," The Typhlosion says;

"But why do they want to get us? W-We didn't do anything to them,"

"Like I said, it's their vibes,"

"There got to be a reason why they're after us, maybe-" The Garchomp stops for a brief bit, "W-W-who are you????????"


Garchomp sees 97B just standing there. "Uhh... hello?" He awkwardly asks, "Hmm, your vibes are adequate, please join, if you must," The Typhlosion says. Without a single word, 97B joins in with the duo.


The Garchomp starts, "So... Wh-Wh-Who are you?" 97B says, "if I try to explain who am I, it's really complicated," the typhlosion then adds, "complicated? I could handle complicated things, give me your worst," To which 97B replies with, "alright then," then he begins;

"I am from the future, around 500 years from now, I am YoRHa Unit 97B, though you can refer to me as just 97B. I may look exactly like a human but I'm not, I'm an android, a robot, which is a mechanical thing powered by electric energy, kind of like Pikachu's energy.

The Garchomp looks very puzzled, the Typhlosion looks very interested, he then asks, "If you're from the future, do you got anything to prove, especially if you're a 'robot?'" 97B does what he thinks is the best to demonstrate both things;


He reaches his arm out then a Type-4O Sword comes out of thin air via light particles, then the blade starts getting electrocuted. 97B also makes his eyes glow white. The Garchomp seemed horrified, but the Typhlosion seemed dazed at the demonstration, then he looks like he fell asleep.


"What's up with that guy?" 97B asks the Garchomp, "o-oh, well he's in his s-spiritual m-meditation to process what h-he calls 'vibes'". Then the Typhlosion gets out of his meditation and says to 97B, "Yes, I truly believe that you are from the future, your vibes are too different than any human here. Plus, your vibes are far to different to be our enemy humans who wants to do Arceus knows what." Garchomp finally says, "I think I can trust you, even though you shows us how terrifying your powers are." 97B then says, "Even though I'm here to see what Sinnoh was like when it was known as Hisui, but when it's time for me to go back to my era, would you guys want to live with me in that era?" Garchomp and Typhlosion looked at each other, and after a while, they muttered to each other things like "yep" and "his era looks better" and Typhlosion says to 97B, "Yes, I'm at least fascinated by your era, I wonder what vibes that era would have?" The two Pokémon then joins 97B as they start to travel. Suddenly, Garchomp yelled "WATCH OUT!" as a Carnavine starts attacking 97B.


Carnavine unfortunately managed to hit 97B, causing him to fall down. "Shit," he exclaimed as he gets up and starts dodging. "Shit?" Typhlosion remarks, "is that a sentence enhancer from your era?" "Can you stop being so snarky and actually lend me some help? You're a fire type, right?" 97B asks while he's still dodging, "Let me see how it's done," Typhlosion says as he steps in. Then his back and neck starts spewing out mystical purple fire.


97B got surprised by the beautiful fire this Typhlosion makes. Then the Typhlosion uses flamethrower, which one shots Carnavine down. The fires are extinquished as Typhlosion turns to 97B and says, "didn't break a sweat." 97B snaps out of his surprise and the gang starts to trek towards Lake Verity.

During the trek, 97B asks the two Pokémon, "Do you both have names?" "We're only refered to Typhlosion and Garchomp respectivley," 97B pauses then asks, "Would you both mind if I give you names?" Typhlosion, hesitated and says, "Sure, it might take a while to get used to, but at least it sets us differently than any other of our species," Typhlosion then says, "Sure let your vibes change us." "Alright then," 97B starts, you, Garchomp, I'm going to name you... Drogo. Any thoughts?" Garchomp, who now goes by Drogo, answers, "...I could get used to it, it's short and to the point," he says as he timidly chuckles. 97B turns to Typhlosion, "As for you... do you mind if I call you Ellijah?" Typhlosion takes a short while and replied, "that's a splendid name, hits the right vibes, yes, I like to be called Ellijah." And like that Typhlosion has been named Ellijah.

As the gang approach Lake Verity, 97B suddenly remembered something, "I completely forgot to introduce you guys to my secret partner!" he exclaimed. Then Pod 042 emerges out of thin air, still in his Grimoire form. This surprises the duo, startling for Drogo, but a pleasent surprise for Ellijah. "This is YoRHa Tactical Support Pod 042. My appearance in this era is changed during the time travel to 'keep world order,' a byproduct of the effect Unit 97B's time travel method had in order to blend in with the surroundings." This all passes right over Drogo's head, but Ellijah is genuinly interested by 97B and Pod 042's "future vibes."


The gang eventually reached Lake Verity. "Glad to see that the lake hasn't been changed between this time period and my era," 97B says, "Yeah, I feel you, sometimes nature can preserve a natural wonder for many millenia," Ellijah adds. "Anyways, let's go see Lake Acuity," 97B says, "L-L-Lake Ac-c-cuity?" Drogo said in a nervous voice, "b-b-b-but I'm not good with cold..." "Relax, man, I can keep you warm," Ellijah says, "shall we begin this trek?" he then asks 97B, to which he responds, "let's go," everyone starts the trek to Lake Acuity, with Drogo feeling more and more scared.

During the trek, they caught a glimpse of a village, "This is Jublife Village," Ellijah starts, "It's a thriving village of humans who keep their distance from pokémon," 97B then adds, "yeah, I don't feel like visiting that village because, I'm afraid what would happen in my era if I do anything to them, let's just go." However, it didn't took a while until they came across someone who just left the village.

"Hey, you!", the guy said as he saw the gang, "You don't seem to be from around here, are you?" 97B hesitated, and modestly replied with, "....no... I'm not from around here..." The guy then asks, "So you might've come from the rift as well?" this puzzled 97B, "Rift? What's that?" The Guy explains, "Not long ago, there was a rift right above Mt. Coronet. It was apparently being caused by someone trying to unleash Giratina from the Distortion World." "Huh," 97B said, then he suddenly realizes something, "Wait, you know someone who fell from the rift?" he asks, The guy answers, "Yes...I AM the one who fell from the rift," this surprises 97B, "Interesting, though how did you end up in the rift?" he asks, unfortunately the guy answered, "I'm not entirely sure. I was just sent here randomly," "Hmm, come to think of it, I think this 'rift' is the portal Riley went through and ended up here..." 97B pondered to himself, this lights up the guy's mood as he asks, "You know Riley? The red scarfed Riolu...or should I say Lucario?" 97B joyously replied with "Yes! He's a dear friend to my friends, especially Stef-" he cuts himself off, fearing that he might cause a time distortion or something, "Oh no, I think I said too much..." the guy curiously asks, "What do you mean you've 'said too much'?" 97B bluntly responded with, "nothing..." the guy changed the awkward subject to how he found Riley and how he cared for him, "I found that Riolu in the Icelands. I took him in until I could figure a way to get him home again." 97B responded, "Oh that's nice," the guy continued, "Of course, he evolved during one of our battles." "must've been the power of friendship" 97B adds..

It's at this point that Ellijah walks in on the two and he says, "sounds like you gave his friend good vibes," the guy continues, "He seemed very scared, but he ended up winning it for us in the end," 97B mutters to himself, "Seth must be proud of him if he would hear that," the guy continues, "It was during a battle against the person trying to summon Giratina," Drogo hears this, and it filled his heart with fear, "G-G-Gi-Girat-tina?????" the guy answered the scared Garchomp, "Yeah. Even caught them earlier on." This amazes 97B, Drogo then asks, "So, we're no longer in danger of that?" then the guy answered, "No, so long as I have it with me." This made Drogo's heart sink, "p-p-p-please don't unleash it..." he begs the guy, fortunately he answered, "I won't." This gave Drogo a huge relief, "oh thank you, thank you, thank you..." he said as he collapses to the ground out of relief. "Anyway, I think that guy can be found at the Coastlands. He's dressed in a green and white outfit, named 'Volo'," the guy said, "Volo?" 97B asks, "My guess is he's trying to find Giratina again, but doesn't know I already caught them," the guy adds, "sounds like a troublemaker," 97B remarks, "Well of course. He literally tried to end the world," the guy says, this shocks 97B as he exclaims, "Holy shiii... uhh... oh dear Arceus," the guy then adds, "I'd be careful with him if I were you," 97B confidentally says, "I have my two pokémon with me, without Giratina on his side, how bad would he be?" 97B then concludes this short talk with, "Well, we'll be going now, I want to see Lake Acuity. Though if by any chance I decide to travel back here through the rift, we might talk to each other again," the guy then says, "Alright, take care," and both the gang and the guy parted ways.

It took a while to trek to the snowy region of Hisui, but at this point, Drogo hesitated to continue, saying, "I don't do well with the cold, I'm scared of freezing to death," Ellijah steps in and said, "Here, let me help," he suddenly picks up Drogo like a sack of potatoes; carrying him over his shoulder, then activates his purple flames to provide warmth to the fraidy Garchomp. 97B is trying his best to hold in laughter as he sees the ridiculous situation. "So, Lake Acuity?" Ellijah asks, "Yes," 97B responded, "Alright, follow me," he then says as he starts walking, leading the way, with and embarassed Drogo still over his shoulder.


After a good while, the gang reached Lake Acuity. "Still beautiful back in this day, still beautiful in my era," 97B remarks, "Yeah, even harsh climates have their own beauty, we just need to be brave to find it," Ellijah says, "I wholeheartidly agree," 97B says. Suddenly, Drogo hugs 97B, much to his surprise, "You... you're surprisingly warm..." he says, 97B chuckles a bit. "Hey, would you mind showing us where you first appeared?" Ellijah asks, "I ended up in a very large beach, right of Lake Valor," 97B says, after thinking for a bit, Ellijah asks, "Cobalt Coastline?" 97B says, "yeah," "Well, let's go back where you've started," "Right," 97B responded. He managed to pick up Drogo and carry him, much to his shock.


One long trek later, the gang reach cobalt coastlines, which is the enormous beach that 97B dropped. At this point it's getting dark and rainy, though that doesn't bother Ellijah one bit. "So this is where you've appeared," he says, "yeah," 97B replied. Suddenly, the gang hears a strange guy saying, "So... you're another one of those rift fallers, aren't you?" The gang turns to the source of the voice;


A guy with blonde hair with three spikes, he's wearing a white traditional shirt with gold outlines, green pants and gold sandals. The most notable feature about this guy is his crazed expression, but his face looks really familiar. "Are you... Volo?" 97B asks, "Heh, how predictable," this guy says. It is Volo that the other guy was talking about. "You look, pretty suspicious, in fact..." he approaches 97B, "You may look human, but you don't feel human..." he then grabs 97B by his chin and starts licking his cheek, to the dusgust and shock of 97B, "you don't even taste human!" "You don't have good vibes, you crazy person," Ellijah says to Volo, who in response glares at the Typhlosion, which doesn't bother him at all. 97B then asks, "What do you want from me?" Volo answers, "you're here to seek out lord Arceus, don't you?" 97B is confused, "What do you mean?" he asks, Volo snaps, "You were sent here to catch the lord! You have a desire to meet it! You might know what it is! I MUST KNOW WHAT IT IS!!! And you're sent here to stop me from using it to subjugate its power... And using that, I will attempt to create a new, better world! Even if it means undoing this region into nothing! If you want to keep this world from disappearing, then you must go through me!" At this point, Drogo became scared out of his wits, then 97B responded with, "Didn't you got beaten by a guy we've met like a while ago? Didn't he ruined your plans? Besides, he got your Giratina, and the only eay to get another is to ask Arceus to make another one, so checkmate."

Volo seemed to calm down... then he chuckled... Then... the air feels tense, suddenly a black portal forms behind Volo. He gives of a crazed smile. Then suddenly Giratina emerges from the portal. Drogo faints from sheer shock. Volo busts out a giant laugh and shouts, "GIRATINA! STRIKE HIM DOWN!" Giratina roars and prepares to use Dragon Claw on 97B.

97B shouts, "POD!" "Afirmative," Pod 042 says as he activates A060: P Shield; a shield made out of energy that bounces back melee attacks, which is effective because Giratina flinched when it bounced back when it tried to use Dragon Claw. Ellijah is amazed, Volo is shocked.

keyblade keyblade

Suddenly, two keyblades appears, one in each of 97B's hand. One of them is the Time Keyblade, the other is a Space Keyblade. Volo exclaims, "What the-?!" 97B's eyes starts to glow purple. The Space Keyblade starts to gather energy, then when enough energy is collected, he rushes to Giratina, yelling at him, "You worthless demonic fat bastard!" then swipes his space keyblade across Giratina, and as he does, various likes of purple energy forms around it, then what looked like glass gets shattered, the impact causes heavy damage to the renegade pokémon. 97B effectivley used Spatial Rend on Giratina.

It looked like Giratina is about to faint, until it covers itself in black shadow energy, then transforms into its origin form, using Shadow Force and bypassing A060: P Shield, damaging 97B, twice, causing him to seemingly fall unconcious. Volo laughed, "Ahaha! That pipsqueak is now history, now, you. are. next." he says as he points to Drogo, who's now shivering in pure terror.

sword blade

Suddenly, sparks fly out of 97B's body, then his whole body starts glowing purple. He has entered berserk mode. He stands up and arms himself with both and already electrified Type-4O Sword and a Type-4O Blade. He leaps out to Giratina like a wild Pokémon and unleashes a flurry of slashes into the renegade pokémon, causing it to be stunned and grow weak. Then 97B jumps off, unarms the two swords, then arms himself with the Time Keyblade, using it to absorb light blue energy, then fires a very large beam of energy at Giratina, a beam so powerful that it distorts time around the area. 97B effectivley used Roar of Time on Giratina. This attack finishes it off, and it collapsed, reverting back to its altered form. 97B stops using berserk mode.

Volo couldn't believe his eyes. His precious Giratina failed to deal with 97B. He screamed in the air, then has his attention on 97B, Ellijah and Drogo, "YOU!" he shrieks and starts belining towards the gang, who starts to run away from the crazed man. 97B arms himself with the Time Keyblade once again, and while they're running, the keyblade gathers energy, and when it collected enough energy, he points the keyblade to an open area and it fires an energy orb which forms into a portal. He then grabs Ellijah and Drogo and carries them to the portal. However Volo grabbed Drogo and is stopping them from entering the portal. "LET GO!" 97B shouts at him, "YOU WILL PAY!" Volo shouts back in a crazed voice and starts biting on Drogo's neck, all the while the poor dragon is screaming for help. "ALRIGHT, YOU ASKED FOR IT!" 97B shouts as he arms with an iron pipe and strikes Volo's head, knocking him unconcious, letting go of Drogo, and the gang went through the portal, escaping the Hisui region and returning to 97B's era.

During the journey, 97B's clothes change from the traditional clothes and into his modern clothes, and Pod 042 changes from a Grimoire to a small floating robot. Ellijah sees all of this and is interested.

Before long, the trio appears up above the air of a beach and they all fell into the sand. "97B!" a familiar voice shouts at him. He looks up and he sees Seth, Tyler, Stefan and Tony. Seth asks him, "You okay?" 97B answered, "Yeah... I'm okay," as he gets up, along with Ellijah and Drogo. "Yeah, I brought a couple of friends with me," he says. Drogo is very shy to greet 97B's Pokémon, though Ellijah is interested, "Ah, everyone here has good vibes. This era has good vibes," he says. He first sets his attention to both Seth and Tyler, "you both have some similar vibes, in fact, you both are similar to 97B..." he then turns to Stefan and Tony, "You both have different good vibes from those two, though you both share the same vibes as my friend." 97B hastly greets Seth, Tyler, Stefan and Tony to Ellijah and Drogo, and vice versa. Seth points out, "Are you a Typhlosion, Ellijah?" Pod 042 comes in and says, "It is a Hisuian variety of Typhlosion, as opposed to a Johtonian Typhlosion," Tyler then adds, "huh, just like Alolan and Galarian Pokémon, but Sinnohian but way back?" Pod 042 answers, "Affirmative." 97B then says, "Anyways, let us both welcome out new friends into the household.

Even though Drogo and Ellijah are pokémon of the past, they surprisingly learns the new technology fast, even adapting to this era. It's as if there's no separation in time.

It's as if time is simply a concept. It's like if time doesn't exist.

The End